Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Photo of La Conchita Landslide

Fourth graders are learning about fast and slow changes on Earth.  Some processes, such as weathering, can take a very long time.  Other changes, like the La Conchita landslide pictured above, can happen very quickly.

Homework for today: 
     1.  A Mist Like Needles
     2.  Math Miss W:  RW83
                   Mr. Spaulding:  RW132
     3.  Read for half an hour.
     4.  Get parent initials.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Fort Tejon Training Day Coming Soon

Okay, Room 14 parents, our Fort Tejon training day is coming up this Saturday.  You, too, can learn to be a  blacksmith.  (The picture above shows the forge at Fort Tejon.)  We also need carpenters, adobe brick makers, candle makers, and cooks.  The training will be at Fort Tejon, starting at 9:00 in the morning.

Homework for today:
      1.  Eggs, Eggs, Eggs reading packet
      2.  Math Miss W:  RW81
                    Mr. Spaulding:  RW131
      3.  Read for half an hour.
      4.  Get parent initials.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Rally Tomorrow at Fillmore High School

Sespe students will walk to the high school tomorrow for a pep rally with students from the other elementary schools in town.  The rally is to get kids focused on and enthusiastic about taking our upcoming state tests.  We are very proud of our students and all the hard work they have done so far this year, and it is important that they do their very best on the state tests to show all they have learned.  Students should wear sports apparel for the rally.

Homework today:
     1.  Spelling practice test (words on p. 120)
     2.  Math Miss W:  Averages worksheet
                   Mr. Spaulding:  RW 128
     3.  Study Science Review sheet.
     4.  Read for half an hour.
     5.  Get parent initials.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

AGB Visit

Today was the second formal visit of our Alternative Governance Board, or AGB.  The AGB was instituted in our district to gather data and give schools support and feedback.  They will deliver their final report later this school year.

Today's homework:
     1.  The Truth About the Ink
     2.  Math Miss W:  RW79
                   Mr. Spaulding: RW127
     3.  Read for half an hour.
     4.  Get parent initials.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Sespe's Future: Rio Vista

Sespe School is scheduled to be closed for renovations at the end of this school year.  So where are all the Sespe teachers and other staff going?  To the new school being built near the Santa Clara River: Rio Vista (see picture above.)

Homework for today:
     1.  Wyoming Facts
     2.  Math Miss W:  RW 133-134, PW 133-134.
                   Mr. Spaulding:  RW125
     3.  Read for half an hour.
     4.  Get parent initials.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Students of the Trimester Awards

Congratulations to our Students of the Trimester winners, Erasmo, Marisol, Eileene and Arturo!

Homework for today:
     1.  Spelling p. 120-121
     2.  Math Miss W: RW132
                   Mr. Spaulding: RW124 & PW124
3.  Study Science Review sheet.
4.  Read for half an hour.
5.  Get parent initials.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Spring Showcase Tonight

Dear Room 14 Parents,

Please visit our school this evening for our annual Sespe School Spring Showcase.  Before the Showcase, from 5:00 to 6:00, the ELAC Committee will sell pizza and have a photo booth set up.

Classrooms will be open from 6:00 to 7:00 for you to visit.  Students are proud of the work they have done this year and all that they have learned.  Please come out and support your children and your school.

This will also give us a chance to get an update on our upcoming Fort Tejon trip.

See you this evening!

Homework tonight:
     1.  Come to Spring Showcase 6:00-7:00.
     2.  Math Miss W:  RW 131
                   Mr. Spaulding:  PW 123
     3.  Read for half an hour.
     4.  Get parent initials.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Just Say No to Bullying

Bullying can be a significant problem in schools.  Today we had an assembly where we learned how to stand up to deal with bullies.  Bullying is when someone:
  • keeps picking on you again and again and tries to make you feel bad
  • says or does lots of mean things that upset you
  • makes fun of you a lot
  • tries to stop you from joining in or make others not like you
  • keeps hurting you such as hitting or punching you.
Bullying can also happen through a mobile phone or on the internet. This is called cyberbullying.
Bullying is not fair. It feels awful.
You have a right to feel safe.
If you don't feel safe, get help right now from your mom, dad, teacher, or an adult who will listen to you!

Today's homework:
     1.  Waist High Overall
     2.  Math Miss W:  RW 129
                   Mr. Spaulding:  123
     3.  Read for half an hour.
     4.  get parent initials.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Spring Showcase Coming Soon

Put it on your calendar!  Spring Showcase this Thursday from 6:00 to 7:00.

Homework for today:
     1.   A Famous Riddle
     2.  Math Miss W:  RW 128
                   Mr. Spaulding:  RW 122
     3.  Read for half an hour.
     4.  Get parent initials.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Fort Tejon Parent Volunteers Training Day Coming Soon

Does this look familiar?  It should - it's downtown Fillmore!...  Okay, down to business:

The training day for Fort Tejon parent volunteers will be Saturday, May 4.  That's only three weeks away!  We'll meet in the Sespe parking lot next to the cafeteria at 7:45 A.M.  to car pool.  It takes roughly an hour to get there.  The training is from 9:00 A.M. until 1:00 P.M.  We usually stop for lunch on the way back.

Please make sure to get your Live Scan fingerprints done as soon as possible, if you haven't already done it. You also have to fill out some paperwork with our office and make a copy of your driver's license.

The actual field trip with students will be May 23-24.

Homework for today:
     1.  Spelling p. 156-157.
     2.  Math Miss W: RW127
                   Mr. Spaulding:  RW121 and PW121
     3.  Read for half an hour.
     4.  Get parent initials.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Spring Photos Coming Soon

Spring Photos will be taken on the 22 of April.

Homework for today:
     1.  Spelling practice test (words on p. 128)
     2.  Math Miss W:  Chap. 20 Review.
                   Mr. Spaulding:  RW119
     3.  Read for half an hour.
     4.  Get parent initials.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Golfer's Day

Did you know that today is officially designated as Golfers' Day?  April 10th is also National Cinnamon Crescent Day.  Aren't you glad you visited this blog?

Homework today: 
     1.  The Bats that Walk
     2.  Math Miss W:  RW125
                   Mr. Spaulding:  PW92
     3.  Read for half an hour.
     4.  Get parent initials.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Fire in Fillmore

Well, it has been exciting around here.  Thankfully, none of our students was hurt in the big Fillmore fire yesterday. 

Homework for today:
     1.  What the Scream Did
     2.  Math Miss W:  RW124
                   Mr. Spaulding:  PW93
     3.  Read for half an hour.
     4.  Get parent initials.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Welcome Back to School

After a nice spring break students have come back rested and ready to learn!  Our Fort Tejon trip is coming up soon.  Our class goes May 23-24.  Any parents planning to go should get the Live Scan fingerprinting done as soon as possible.

Today's homework:
     1.  Spelling p. 128-129.
     2.  Math Miss W:  RW123
                   Mr. Spaulding:  RW93
     3.  Read for half an hour.
     4.  Get parent initials.