Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Bridge Dancers

This week's story is The Bridge Dancers by Carol Saller.  It is the story of two sisters who live in an isolated mountain community.  When Mama leaves them alone one stormy night, the girls must learn to deal with an emergency all by themselves.

This week's academic language words are responsible and responsibility.  Our Greek or Latin root for the week is sect meaning "to cut."  The words are:

     intersect         trisect          dissect          section          transect

     vivisection         insect          sectional          sector          bisect

In math we are focusing on the concepts of perimeter (measuring around a figure) and area (measuring inside a figure.)  Students often get these concepts mixed up, so it is a good idea to review math homework carefully every day.

Today's homework:
     1.  Vocabulary Sort: sect
     2.  Math Miss W: RW144
                    Mr. Spaulding:  PW139
     3.  Read for half an hour.
     4.  Study Unit 2 Social Studies Review Sheet.
     5.  Get parent initials.

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