Monday, January 28, 2013

Breakfast Program Starts Today

Well, it's official.  Sespe's Breakfast in the Classroom program is finally underway.  Our five person class Breakfast Team is comprised of two Breakfast Monitors, who pick up the food from the cafeteria and set it up in the classroom; two Breakfast Cleanups to remove trash and return food to the cafeteria; and one Breakfast Sheriff to make sure food is removed ant the desks are clean.

This week's Academic Language words are:  structure and support.  Our Greek or Latin root for the week is ben, bene, bon meaning good or well in words such as benediction, benefactor, bonafide, and bonus.

Don't forget our Fort Tejon meeting for parents this Wednesday at 6:00 P.M.

Today's homework:
     1.  Spelling p. 100-101
     2.  Math Miss W:  RW145
                    Mr. Spaulding:  RW63
     3.  Read for half hour.
     4.  Get parent initials.

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