Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Another Good Day at Sespe

We had a  busy day! Students worked on academic vocabulary, read the first story of our reading book, practiced subtracting across zeros, and worked on paragraph form.  We also did some warm ups and strteches, then ran two laps.  In the afternoon Mr. Carroll presided over a brief assembly to discuss good behavior in school and set some goals for the year.

     Homework:  1.  Math RW14
                         2.  Spelling:  Write each Spelling word carefully in cursive.
                         3.  Get parent intitials.  (This is a standing assignment for everyday.

Some parents have asked about reading at home.  Students should read at home every day, but since we haven't had access to the library yet, I haven't asked students to write it down as part of the homework yet.  Soon, it will be added to the daily list of assignments.

It is important that students write down exactly what they have for homework.  Some students forget to write it down, or only write one or two words, rather than the whole assignment.

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