Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Another Busy Day

Today we read the story "Toto" in our readers; we learned about writing and evaluating mathematical expressions; and we also worked on recognizing helping verbs in a sentence.  Students continued working on their world map projects as well, and wrote drafts of favorite food essays.  We also learned about the different regions of California:  the desert, valley, mountain and coast regions.  A busy day!

Parents:  you are very welcome to leave comments or questions on this blog.  Please make sure that your child is reading for at least half an hour every day.

Reminder:  Back-to-School Night is scheduled for next Thursday from 6:00 to 7:00.  We are planning on having a potluck dinner in Room 14.  Come see you child's classroom and show your support for Sespe School.

     1.   Study continents map for test Friday.
     2.  Math RW18
     3.  Copy spelling words in cursive
     4.  Read for half hour
     5.  Get parent initials

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