Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Library Today

Today we went to the library to get books for the Accelerated Reader program.  Your child should read at home for at least half an hour daily.  Students can take tests on the computer when the get to school the next day.  Fourth graders should get at least five AR points a month.  They should take AR tests every day or two for short books.  Even for most longer books, students should be able to test about once a week.  Only the really long Harry Potter type books might take over a week between tests.  Even then, the most diligent fourth grade readers can finish a Harry Potter book in one week.

We are continuing our work with place value concepts.  Fourth graders should be able to read and write numbers  correctly into the hundred millions.  In Social Studies we are studying the differences between urban, suburban, and rural communities in California.

Today's Homework:
     1.  Write spelling words in cursive.  See page 12 of spelling workbook for the words.
     2.  Math:  Miss W's group:  RW3
                     Mr. Spaulding's group:  PW3
     3.  Read for half an hour.
     4.  Get a parent signature.

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