Monday, September 24, 2012

Science Lab Monday

Both Mr. Spaulding's and Miss W's math groups this week are finishing up the chapter on place value concepts.  Students are learning how the position of a digit determines its value.  Students should be able to read, write and identify the place value of numbers through millions.  Students must be able to compare whole numbers and put a set of whole numbers into order from least to greatest or greatest to least.  Many fourth graders still stuggle with reading large numbers correctly.  This is a good thing to practice at home.

In language arts we are learning this week about another part of speech: the conjunction.  The most common coordinating conjunctions are the words and, or and but.  They are used to join words or parts of a sentence.  This week in writing students are continuing work on the multi-paragraph expository writing format.

Every Monday Room 14 students get to go to the Science Lab.  Today they used microscopes.

Today's homework:
     1.  Spelling workbook p. 20.
     2.  Math   Miss W's group:  SR1
                     Mr. Spaulding's group:  RW5
     3.  Read for half an hour.
     4.  Get a parent initial.

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