Monday, October 1, 2012

Another Science Lab Monday

The academic vocabulary word for this week is "outline" in all its senses:

     outline:  (noun) a line or shape that shows the outer edge of something

     outline:  (verb) to draw the edge or shape of something

     outline:  (noun) a written summary that shows the main points or ideas of something

     outline:  (verb) to give the main points or ideas of something

Our Greek or Latin root this week is "trans" in words such as transport, transfer and transform.

Today's homework is:

    1.  Spelling workbook p. 40.
    2.  Math:  Miss W's group:  RW9
                    Mr. Spaulding's group:  Rounding worksheet
    3.  Read half an hour.
    4.  Get parent initial

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