Monday, October 29, 2012

It's Spooky Halloween Week at Sespe!

Welcome back to another fun-filled and exciting week of learning at Sespe School!  This Wednesday students who wish to participate are invited to wear a safe and appropriate costume to school.  We will have a brief parade at 8:30 A.M. to show off and enjoy each other's costumes.

Academic vocabulary words this week are: select, selection, section, passage, and segment.  Students are learning to use these words in both their spoken and written language.

Our Greek or Latin root this week comes from the Latin word manu, meaning 'hand.'  There are several words in English related to this root:  emancipate, manacles, manager, mandate, maneuver, manicure, manual, manufacture, and manuscript.

In math we are continuing our study of the basic algebra concepts of expressions, equations and variables.  Students should practice single digit multiplication facts every day at home, and also review the order of operations used when solving equations.

Our spelling words this week all feature vowels in two syllable words:
1.  product
2.  credit
3.  napkin
4.  dentist
5.  comment
6.  cannot
7.  suggest
8.  within
9.  glacier
10.  infect
11.  progress
12.  topsoil
13.  princess
14.  rewind
15.  joyful
16.  echo
17.  expert
18.  bargain
19.  stencil
20.  predict

Homework for today:
     1.  Spelling p. 48-49
     2.  Math  Miss W:  Worksheet 5-2
                    Mr. Spaulding:  RW37
     3.  Read for half an hour.
     4.  Get parent initials.

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