Monday, October 22, 2012

Red Ribbon Week

This is Red Ribbon Week!  The following activites are planned to encourage Sespe students to live drug free and healthy lifestyles.

1.  Monday:  Wristband Day
2.  Tuesday:  Wear Red Day
3.  Wednesday:  Sports Day - wear any sports jersey, shirt, or uniform
4.  Thursday:  Music at Lunch
5.  Friday:  Pajama Day

Our Greek or Latin root this week is 'ped', meaning 'foot', as in pedal or pedicure.  Our Academic Vocabulary words for the week are identify, identical, and identification.

Today's homework:
     1.  Spelling workbook p. 44.
     2.  Study Science Chapter 1 Review Sheet
     3.  Math  Miss W: RW35
                    Mr. Spaulding:  RW33
     4.  Read half hour.
     5.  Get parent signature

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