Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Wear Red Day

Today students wore red to show their support for healthy drug-free life styles.  Tomorrow is Sports Day, so wear a sports jersey to school.

Fall Carnival will be at San Cayetano this Thursday, October 25th, from 5:00 to 8:00.  Fun, food and prizes!  Bring the whole family to enjoy a Fillmore tradition.

This week fourth graders are learning how to identify main ideas and how to summarize.  We are also learning about the order of operations in math.  We are finishing our science unit on Living Things, and starting our social studies unit on Early People in California.

Today's homework:
     1.  Spelling p. 45.
     2.  Math  Miss W:  RW36
                    Mr. Spaulding:  RW34
     3.  Study Science Review sheet.
     4.  "A Risky Sea Journey" worksheets.
     5.  Read half hour.
     6.  Get parent signature.

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